Users & Roles


With TRAX LRS, you can easily manage user accounts and related permissions thanks to the concept of "roles".

Each user account has a single role for the entire application, and this role determines what the user is allowed to do inside the application.

The only predefined role in TRAX LRS is Admin, which gives all the permissions.

Defining roles

To define a role, go to the Accounts > Roles page, create a role, give it a name and check the matching permissions.

Manage HTTP clients

This permission allows to create, modify and delete HTTP clients and related accesses.

Manage users

This permission allows to create, modify and delete user accounts.

Manage roles

This permission allows to create, modify and delete roles.

Manage entities

This permission allows to create, modify and delete entities.

Manage owners (i.e. stores)

This permission allows to create, modify and delete stores.

Observe xAPI data

This permission allows to explore xAPI data.

Manage xAPI data

This permission allows to explore xAPI data and to delete statements and logs.

Defining users

To define a user, go to the Accounts > Users page, create a user with the following information:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email
  • Password: optional, but users without password can't log into the application.
  • Role: optional, but users without role can't log into the application.
  • Entity: optional, available only when entities have been defined.


Create an admin account

php artisan admin:create

The following parameters may be used to avoid questions.

Option Example of value Description
--email email@example.test The email that identifies the account
--password 12345678 A password for this account

Update an admin account

php artisan admin:update

The following parameters may be used to avoid questions.

Option Example of value Description
--email email@example.test The email that identifies the account
--password 12345678 A password for this account

Delete an admin account

php artisan admin:delete

The following parameters may be used to avoid questions. No confirmation is asked when the email is provided in the command line.

Option Example of value Description
--email email@example.test The email that identifies the account

List the admin accounts

php artisan admin:list